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Bus Riders

CECHS works in conjunction with the other zone high schools to provide transportation for students who ride a bus.  During the regular school year, students who ride the bus, are picked up by their zone high school bus (Burns, Crest, Kings Mountain, or Shelby) and taken to that zone school.  A CECHS shuttle will then pick up our students and bring them to the early college campus.  Parents may choose to also drop their students off at their zone school for shuttle transportation as well.

CECHS dismisses school at 3:45pm, which is after the regular school day.  Thus, students who ride the bus will only be shuttled to their zone school* and will need to be picked up from there.

*Shelby zone students will be dropped off at Graham Elementary in the afternoons.

Due to our schedule being different from the traditional schools, there will be days that CECHS is in session while the other schools are not.  During these days, bus riders will need to provide their own transportation to their zone schools for shuttle pick-up.  Be sure to check our calendar for date information.


Car Riders

The car rider line for Cleveland Early College High School is located on the back side of the LeGrand Building.  Car riders can only be picked up during dismissal in the car rider line.  


Student Drivers

Students who drive can apply during the summer to receive their parking pass.  Student parking spaces are located behind the LeGrand Center beside the car rider line and in the lot above.  Students are not allowed to park in front of the LeGrand Center.

For any questions regarding transportation, please contact us!